Winfrey Point: not just for weekends anymore

By Bruce Felps

Jill Beam, the manager of athletic and reservations with the Dallas Park and Recreation Department, called yesterday with advance word of an open house at Winfrey Point the department plans for October.

She handles reservations at the department’s facilities such as Winfrey, you know, organizations booking the location for meetings or couples, say, planning a wedding reception and where better to have one than the shores of While Rock Lake?

She said the city has no problem renting out spaces, particularly Winfrey Point, during the weekends but weekdays it’s a different matter.

To make it more appealing for a Monday-Friday gatherings, they’ve installed a free wi-fi system at Winfrey — thanks to For the Love of the Lake — among other amenities, which will be discussed during the open house.

Keep Oct. 27 open if you want to find out more, and there will be more.

  1. Is there a link that can give us the details on renting Winfrey Point?

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